Call Me Poseidon — August Meeting

Join SMRW for a Cozy Workshop with Trish Milburn at Puleo’s Grille, 110 Cedar Lane, Knoxville, TN  37912 at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 9.  Cost: only your lunch, however, seating is limited so please email Donna Wright

to reserve your spot.

Trish will be doing her Call Me Poseidon: Three-Prong Approach to Publishing. This workshop covers the economic reasons for having multiple streams of writing income. She talks about the pros, cons, and cautions related to large publishers, small publishers, and self-publishing.

The meeting will begin at 11 a.m. for an informal meet and greet. Lunch will be served at 11:30 followed by door prizes and the workshop should begin around Noon.

Readers are welcome. Please join us and get to meet a very prolific and fabulous writer.

More about Trish Milburn: During her journey to publication, she finaled in RWA’s top award for unpublished manuscripts, the Golden Heart, eight times. She was fortunate enough to Trish_Milburnwin the Golden Heart twice — in 2004 in Romantic Suspense and in 2007 for Young Adult. On July 24, 2007, she finally got “The Call” and sold her first two books, young adult titles, to Razorbill, a part of Penguin Young Readers Group. On October 26, 2007, she was thrilled to sell two romances to Harlequin American.